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  Created for the bargain shopper
Grab your chance at this limited special offer.
Choose two specimens @ $8.00 each and get one 1/2 off!
These will come in their own "perky" box.

adam1_tn2b.JPG (12431 bytes) azur6_tnb.JPG (15246 bytes) epid1_tnb.JPG (13050 bytes)

Aragonite: Miles City, Montana:           

1-1/4" tall
Order # -Reserved- TN-B1

Quartz w/Chloride: Lampertsch Alp. Valsertal, Graubunden, Switzerland;

1-1/4" tall x 1" across.

Order # --- TN-B2

Epidote: Salida, Colorado.      Malumet Mine:

Just over 1/2" across.

Order # -Reserved- TN-B3

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Gyrolite: Maharastra, India
Near Bombay

1/2" across
Order # --- TN-B4

Quartz & Chalcopyrite: Cavnic, Romania.
Nice terminations on the crystals.

1" span x 1" across
Order # --- TN-B5

Stibnite: Manciano, Tuscana, Italy
A very thin, etched piece.

1/2" tall
Order # --- TN-B6

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Chalcedony: Tampa, Florida
A neat white chalcedony pseudo after coral:

A little over 3/4" tall
Order # --- TN-B7

Pectolite: Jeffrey Mine, Asbestos, Quebec.
A little shimmer to this neat piece.        
1-1/4" tall
Order # --- TN-B8

Cerussite on Barite: Mibladen, Morocco.
Sparkling etched crystals.
1" across
Order # --- TN-B9

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Calcite - Pseudo after Ikaite: Kola Peninsula, Russia.
Shore of the White Sea.
1-1/4" tall
Order # -Reserved- TN-B10

Goethite: Garland Co., Arkansas

Order # -- TN-B11

Dolomite: Eugi, Novarre, Spain

1/2" x 1/2"
Order # --- TN-B12

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Pyrite: Ambasaguas Logrono, Spain

1/2" x 1/2"
Order # --- TN-B13

Crocoite: Dundas, Tasmania
Adelaide Mine.
More red than the photo indicates.
Just over 1/4"
Order # --- TN-B14

Pyrite: Gilman, Colorado
Eagle Mine

1" across
Order # -Reserved- TN-B15

Bargain Basement Pages

$10.00 and Under !!

$10.00 and Under !!

$15.00 and Under !!


$20.00 and Under !!


Bargain Thumbnails

Bargain Thumbnails 2

Bargain Thumbnails 3

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Updated: January 12, 2021

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